Character Design for Randy the Raccoon
Newest character design comp for Randy the Raccoon!! He really is coming to life. Thoughts? Feedback welcome. Thanks friends.
Nice John! I do feel the fore paw is too big and the back one is too small. A Racoon's stride isn't so large that there would be that big of a difference....if that makes sense. But again, Nice!
He's got a lot of sharp points, his hands and feet, his cheeks, ears, eye brows and fur... maybe try softening and rounding so of those, and see how that might effect the character? What is the overall goal? Happy, inviting? His claws still say rip rip rip to me, lol, no pun intended. Anyway just a thought, it is a nice character... good luck.
@johntatulliart Hi John, I hope you're up for a critique because I'm giving you one
...we go back a ways so I'm fairly sure you're ok with it
I just made a few notes - nice work man! I like the dynamic view too - I just gave another's hard to get that strong forced perspective right on characters...