Fall Critique
So I've been debating on whether I should submit my original traditional painting or if I should send the analog/digital mixed for Fall critiques. I really want to be able to achieve the same effect with lighting in paint as one can get with digital. Such a dilemma. It's very subtle at the moment but I can continue to had highlights and shadows. Any suggestions?
I think you should send in the one you feel is your best piece OR choose the piece that aligns with where you intend to go - for example, if you want to do traditional, not digital, send in the traditional.
Just fyi, I do not know what you want your focal point to be, the fire in the enhanced version really draws the eye.
@artspreadsjoy Thanks for the input! You're right, I need to decide. I still have more to learn with traditional and not ready to move away from it yet. I love painting and rendering. My digital skills are really beginner so I know I'll need a lot more practice till I feel like I'm on track with it. Good call on the fire. I was thinking it was to be an accent to add interest but not draw the eye too much. Thanks again!