"For children in their most impressionable years, there is, in fantasy, the highest of stimulating and educational powers."
—Arthur Rackham
Inspiring Quotes and Art Motivation
Let's use this thread to share inspirational quotes or interesting links on topics like art motivation or creating meaning in your life through creativity.
"I used to make art so people who looked at it would see me. Now I want them to look at my art and see themselves." -author unknown
"If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now.
For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning."-Vincent Van Gogh
"Don’t bend; don’t water it down, don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."
—Anne Rice -
"For children in their most impressionable years, there is, in fantasy, the highest of stimulating and educational powers."
—Arthur Rackham -
@reberlik "sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something" -Jake the dog
"A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest."
C.S. Lewis -
The ending passage from
Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield
(Spoilers ahead):"Who is all this for?
In the end, the enterprise and the sacrifice are all about the audience.
They're about the readers, the movie-goers, the site visitors, the listeners, the concert-goers, the gamers, the gallery goers.
A group which by the way includes you and me.
We're the audience. In the hero's journey, the wanderer returns home after years of exile, struggle and suffering. He brings a gift for the people. That gift arises from what the hero has seen, what he has endured, what he has learned.
But that gift is not that raw material alone. It is the ore refined into gold by the hero/wanderer/artist's skilled and loving hands.
You are that artist.
I will gladly shell out $24.95 or $9.99 or 99 cents on iTunes to read or see or listen to the 24-karat treasure that you have refined from your pain and your vision and your imagination. I need it. We all do. We're struggling here in the trenches. That beauty, that wisdom, those thrills and chills, even that mindless escape on a rainy October afternoon — I want it. Put me down for it.
The hero wanders. The hero suffers. The hero returns. You are that hero.” -
An excerpt from Tell Them Anything you Want: A Portrait of Maurice Sendak directed by Spike Jonze and Lance Bangs:
"The whole promise is to do the work, sitting down at the drawing table, turning on the radio.
And I think, 'What a transcendent life this is; I'm doing everything I want to do.'
In that moment... I feel like I'm a lucky man."
-Maurice Sendak -
Characters as Emotions:
With the new Inside Out 2 movie coming out, I thought I'd share this talk by one of my favorite artists who also explores the idea of characters who represent emotions.
(Turn on captions, then auto-translate)Chiara Bautista talks about creating an emotional language through symbolism of characters. Each character represents a set of emotions that can be understood through the narrative of her illustrations without needing to view them chronologically or see the full story.
Oil painted animated film:
The Peasants 2023