Bee like Lee - slowvember madness
Hi everyone, I would like to share this post as part of my creative process.
Im lets say a doallogist. But currently have a 9-5 (that thankfully helps all my family) and for my creative work I just have a couple hours early in the morningEvery year I do an inktober product (Thanks Jake) to share with my daughter as she navigates this creative life. We all know how its a bit tricky trying to decide and focus on what to do.
For sketchtember I had planned to do 31 retail employees for my webcomic. And while I was sketching the portrait doodles I dove into a story an character for each. After every one I had an idea to make a comic, and that was kind of the goal. Then When inktober arrived I decided to go all in, better to do a full 7 page comic to post (as I already had finished one) Im not too good at digital so that is the other part of the deal, I get better and see my advance.
Now for slowvember I had started up wrong already selecting an idea to do, but thankfully I have listened to more and more 3 point perspective episodes and learned at how Lee uses his superpower to dive in instead of spreading thin.
so I started researching images and my novella came to mind, I have several drafts I did for lasts year nanowrimo and that started a whole wave of series.
I then followed up working on rockfortress the slowvember way with a cover for my novella. I already had a couple scenes pictured (as I want to add illustrations eventually) and started to thumbnail
Then today It hit me. I was on etsy and saw a photographer’s work that was almost perfect for something I had envisioned.So, in resume Im giving myself the opportunity to change and adapt, I will work in the rock fortress slowvember and might not finish it in time but will work on it until is done.
Also will work with the photographer to have a nice cover, so I can unlink one from the other and then offer a different edition for saleAnd speaking of that, I just got Will’s book (what they dont teach you at art school) at his etsy store automatically sent a small discount after I favorited
So a module at a time we keep building this fortress
Thanks for your comments and also:
How do you create? -
@makekong adding the moodboard
@makekong ok I have been thumbnailing and my main idea is to present the relationship between the two main characters. One with long dark hair will be holding the other one (white hair) on her arms . My idea was to have her either standing or midwaist inside a dark pool that blended with her dark hair giving the effect of a portal. They have a secret fortress where they live but is a magical space and cold. So I dont wanted to look like an old castle, I want it to look like a rock formation, ivory tower.
I am liking the bottom image more because the light makes it look like a liminal space I will add all the fortress detail but it will be in the same tone so it looks blended. I am leaning towards having her sitting in the ground to show she is not so strong but courageous enough to protect the other character.
@makekong I usually doodle in different apps and brushes to see what comes
The ying yang one had been one of my favorites but I will use it as an monogram later on but will use it as a design for their position flowing as a ying yang shape value between their faces and then out
@makekong so im leaning intot he idea of the tall stone hall with the figures in the middle. Still debating if I add the poo lor not
- 17 days later
@makekong any updates? Id love to see it!