@allysa I just wanna say, that you definitely have what it takes to compete in this art competition. I could see you easily winning, or competing in the higher ranks for sure! Hope that boosts your confidence, and I applaud you for having the ability to have a movie on while rendering. I literally CANNOT work with a screen on, I'm so easily distracted that it's annoying!
I have more thoughts!
Millie's Character:
Initial thoughts: You made her like the same kid for all of the frames. I immediately remember her, I immediately can hear her voice, and see her pigtails going crazy like floating tentacles with their own minds and intentions, almost like micro characters that enforce her character! (A+ in my opinion)
The Frames:
1. In your thumbnail at the top, which is fantastic, you have her with long sleeves, and the rest of the pieces she's got short sleeves. It'd be a cool detail to have her long sleeves remain, and maybe in the "invention" frame, one of the sleeves is bunched up and the other is not, to convey she's so focused she neglects caring for her clothes. It's a very child-like characteristic! In the title frame up top, I would flip the "E" back to normal forward reading. I think if you're going for a "book cover", typographically you want it to be readable right away, and backwards E is hard to read. The font or handwriting you currently have is perfect! (that's my graphic design background talking, fyi)
2. I don't think you necessarily have to be super attuned with perspective, and I applaud your attempt. I think for the "running away" Frame 3, I'm really confused on what is happening in the cart. You might want to have the fish already in the "suit" looking surprised that he's being taken away or something. What is she running away from? I think this might be the weakest frame and might need some work, but that's my only major negative critique to consider. You're ability to convey a story is so strong and I'm missing the connection in this frame, only because of the cart.
3. (opinion) You might want to keep the mountains pulled back into the frame. Not too much coming out of the frame. If you're winning this competition, they stated that they're displaying your work in New York, so you want to keep in mind that your artwork is probably going up on screen and will get cut off.
The sun set in the 4th frame feels a little too post-apocalyptic, like Mad Max Fury Road world. Not sure if a fish would be excited about that. Maybe a city scape, or a town, or a cute village, or a BIGGER body of water. I love that the fish is pointing with her, and she's got long sleeves in this one, so that's great!
Those are my thoughts! You can do whatever you want with them, because your sense of design and humbleness will go a long way!!