Just came across this article where someone created a model to replicate a living artists work.
“Whether it’s legal or not, how do you think this artist feels now that thousands of people can now copy her style of works almost exactly?”
An article for anyone interested in the AI debate
Just came across this article where someone created a model to replicate a living artists work.
“Whether it’s legal or not, how do you think this artist feels now that thousands of people can now copy her style of works almost exactly?”
https://waxy.org/2022/11/invasive-diffusion-how-one-unwilling-illustrator-found-herself-turned-into-an-ai-model/ -
This is a very good article, and (in the most shocking twist ever) the comment section of the piece is really, really good too. There's a poster there who really crushes the whole "it's not collage so it must be legal" argument that is well worth a read.
Thanks for sharing!