@griffin 7 year teacher here...trust me plan for things to go longer than you anticipate. An hour and a half once a week isn't really that much time, especially over only 8 weeks. Is that time limit set in stone? I'd recommend trying to get at least a solid two hours in. If you're getting to choose the length, maybe even 2.5-3 (with breaks and longer periods of work built in)
The amount of content you have sounds fine. Keep in mind that the brain begins to lose focus after a certain amount of time, so I'd say keep demos where students aren't doing anything but watching no more than 15 minutes at first. It's a different story if they're working alongside you. My first experience teaching I spoke for 45 minutes, lost the kids after 15. Now with adults, they are more likely to pay attention, but still we want them engaged
Working alongside them also helps!
Keep your lessons simple and trust me, things will not go as planned a lot of the time, so try to roll with the punches.
Start with the basics, like you said. Assume your audience/class has little to no experience as well.
I could go on and on but I hope this is a start. Let me know what other questions you might have.