Hi Stephanie, I'm new too. I'm really glad you submitted your piece, well done! You absolutely should be proud, both of your fun concept and that you submitted it. Honestly I found it hard to do too, there was definitely a bit of "why am I even bothering to put my art next to pros?" thinking. But in the end it's supposed to be a bit of fun and a way to push yourself and to grow. So please don't get disheartened and keep up the good work.
My OZ Book Cover (non-subscriber) and Introduction
Hi my name is stephanie, I'm new, This was my first time trying anything like this. This was tough for me in many ways. I am still working on my speed as well as other skill sets, I came from animation so this is different for me.
I'm not a Subscriber so I figured it didn't matter when I posted and i'm not even posting it to the contest thread, I just wanted to show it, I got kind of disheartened towards the end after seeing everyone else's but I still was proud of my concept. So here it is, I know it's not the best and it could use more TLC.
My instagram has better work
@my_art_multi_verse -
Your concept is so fun! I remember it from your WIP thread and thought it was really cool. I always go through a cycle where I'm feeling good about my art, and then really bad about my art, so I can relate to your feelings about being disheartened.
I'd encourage you to post it to the contest thread anyway. I think it definitely deserves to be there, subscribed or not. It would be nice to have it be a part of the collection with every one else, and it adds in such a cool different take on the prompt, that it would be valuable reference for others.
Hi Stephanie, I'm new too.
I'm really glad you submitted your piece, well done! You absolutely should be proud, both of your fun concept and that you submitted it. Honestly I found it hard to do too, there was definitely a bit of "why am I even bothering to put my art next to pros?" thinking. But in the end it's supposed to be a bit of fun and a way to push yourself and to grow. So please don't get disheartened and keep up the good work.
@dafoota thank you for the support I need to remember these things
@TessaW I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one lol even though it'd be nice to not feel this way, thank you for the kind words!
@ina thank you so much I do need to remember to think of it as "I grow each time"