@severin-baschung Nice! I love the glow.
Margo Rogers -
@eli - thank you so much! I've not tried something with these colors before.
@Patricia-Alvarez - Thank you, what kind words!!@Tom-Shannon - I seriously love this!! What a fabulous idea, it made me laugh, the drummers face is so great.
@Gary-Wilkinson - This has such a great Mario vibe to it. The colors are so vibrant and really pop and I really enjoy the texture you put on the mushroom. I like that the fence is poking out almost to ward off any mushroom hunters, yet the hunter is so large, that it wouldn't really make a difference.
There are so many AMAZING entries this month! Love the creativity and styles. I wish I could comment on them all. You guys rock!
Here's mine! I did two color studies and it was REALLY hard to pick which one to go with for the contest. I ended up going with the twilight color scheme. Everyone's feedback was so helpful.
YES! I did it! I've barely slept in three days, but - for me - it was worth it. ^^
I've been really scared to post something on this forum... All of your pictures are so beautiful and I'm really intimidated.
But someday I'll have to overcome this fear... So, here I am! And the first contest picture of my life:Please be kind... but brutally honest
So many great submissions! This will give Lee a break from his unpacking! Here's my submission....just in the knick of time!!
@mrsdion It uploaded on the second try.....don't need any help! least not for this! Haha!
Here's my entry - Rip Van Mushroom, Winkleshrooms.....Gave up trying to come up with a name!! Lots of fun entries and fun interpretations this month! Thank you SVS, for giving us the opportunity to do this! -
Hey all, here's my submission for the Mushroom Village drawing contest by SVS called " A busy day'. You can see more of my work at
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