Finished piece "when little girl's dreams come to life" and Instagram
I just finished a piece. Finished not perfect
calling it done and moving on. I'm sure there are things I'll want to change at some point in future when I learn more, but for now I like it
Also finally linked my Instagram into my signature.
Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks so much.
I just want to say this looks really great! You definately have drawing skills! One thing that I noticed though is that the girls left foot lines up directly with the reins. I feel like that takes away from the excellent pose you drew and weakens the read on the silhouette. Just my opinion, so I would probably get some other people's take on it. I love that some pencil lines were left, I'm trying to incorporate more of that kind of thing in my work. I also love everything about the horse. Great piece.
@Zachary-Drenski great point, thank you! I hadn't thought of that . I appreciate you telling me as I want to keep improving. I decided to try not quite finishing my lines before starting painting and liked the sketchy lines so I'm glad they were appreciated
@Coley This is beautiful and I'm happy you linked your instagram because I am going to follow you. Your work is great.
Nice! Whatโs it about?
@demotlj thanks Laurie, I followed you too
@Nyrryl-Cadiz just about a little girl who dreams of riding ponies and has one of those horsie broomstick toys.........I think her imagination is running wild
maybe sort of like Calvin in Calvin and Hobbes lol. I just made it up so not sure lol!