5 minutes at a time (accountability post)
Based on the topic started by @Shannon-Biondi about drawing practice after working all day, here’s something I’ve been doing (copying for study/practice) only a few minutes at a time. Took a few days for just this little bit, which is discouraging, but what can ya do. Just wanted to post for accountability because I said I’d take Shannon up on the challenge
Hi @Kat, this is such a great start. I know it can feel a little bit slow in the beginning, but it will get better! Whenever you're feeling discouraged, I hope posting in this thread and sharing your work with everyone will keep you going. I suppose when getting started, it is actually okay to simply get into the habit of getting the pencil moving for 5 minutes everyday, even if that means that we end up with a pencil drawing for that day, only to colour it in the next. All the best!
@Kat Yaaaay! I love this and love that you've been drawing for 5 mins every day over the last few days. It's a great start! And the more you draw, the faster you'll get, so you'll be able to do more and more in those 5 minutes.
I've been drawing every day too since I posted. I've changed my evening routine so that I have my sketchpad or iPad on the sofa with me and I've drawn every evening so far. Yesterday my mom stayed over so that was the only night I haven't been able to draw.
Let's both keep going!! Woop woop!
@ShannonBiondi Yes!!! And feel free to post your drawings here so we can all applaud your work!
@animatosoor Thanks! One foot in front of the other -
5 minutes at a time is a great way to start. You'll be sitting down to all day drawing sessions before you know it
@Kat Ok! So here's the type of practice I've been doing in work this week (some are just silly doodles I do for colleagues). I still need to nail down my evening routine. I had loads of unexpected things in the evenings this week for some reason! My mom stayed over on Tuesday night (and so I spent all of Monday night cleaning my apartment!
), I went to see Elton John play a gig on Wednesday night (it was EPIIIIIIIC!)...tonight is my first night in and I'm catching up on this week's lessons for an SVS course I'm enrolled in (Heads and Hands)...
So yeah
Getting there! How's your drawing coming on @Kat?!
Wow, that great stuff! Very nice work, @ShannonBiondi! I know what you mean about all the distractions, but you managed some quality practice, good for you!
I actually came up with a sketch idea for this months challenge (gasp!) I’ve been taking my iPad to work and sketching during breaks. Have to go find a storage room and lock myself in so I’m not disturbed, but whatever works. Then worked on it while doing laundry last night. Hope to post a WIP if I have time this morning.
@Kat Oh class!! I can't wait to see your WIP! I'm going to try and do this month's contest too... We shall see if I find the time!
@ShannonBiondi you mean, my colossal swing-and-miss LOL! Oh well, you had some great suggestions so maybe I can save it
@Kat It wasn't a miss at all! Like the person just after me said, it read exactly as you intended it to. It's a great idea and very funny. Definitely go for it!
@ShannonBiondi , that’s very kind of you. But after watching the crits that Lee did on past contest entries, one thing really stuck with me. There has to be a clear story for it to really be an illustration. If the image has to be explained, or if you need to know what the topic is first to actually “get” the scene, it’s probably not a good illustration. Might be a good picture, but not an illustration that tells a story. My first sketch could be anything as the patient- an alligator, a monster, a guy with really bad teeth... So while I really appreciate your encouragement, I think I need to go a different route in order to try to illustrate the topic. Maybe at a later date, I will develop that first idea, just as a crazy dentist picture.