SCBWI June draw this 'camp'
@Braden-Hallett looking very good.
I am getting close to mine. I printed it, scanned the print in and added color to it in Inkscape. Let me know what you think of the colors and the feel.
@theprairiefox You get a really nice woodcutty feel even though it's laser etched! Very cool.
@Braden-Hallett here is my final. After letting it set, I thought that it was too light. Did not have a night feel. So I added a gradient shading so the fire was bright be everything got darker the further away it is.
I have sent it off! My first SCBWI submittal! Thanks for posting this it encouraged me to do this one as well.
@theprairiefox That gradient shadow really works!
@Braden-Hallett thanks, I thought it provided a much better atmosphere.
@Justin-Moss A pet raccoon? That sounds interesting! What was that like? Did it get into everything...and how did you get it? Find it in the woods?