SCBWI June draw this 'camp'
@Braden-Hallett This is great! Brings back memories of boy scout
This is pretty much how the evenings on camps looked like
I think you nailed it
This is awesome. Didn't know SCBWI ran contests like this but it's a great way to see how the professionals do it! Here's one I made today from the prompt!
@NelsonYiap I think they didn't do the contest for a little while, but started up again recently (ish)
Nice work
I love the little tents on the canoes.
Gonna put this one away for a few days then do some fiddling before submitting
I'm generally happy with it, though.
I like the glow lighting you’ve created, I find it very cozy and warm and good memories created.
@Braden-Hallett Thank you! Ah your illustration looks really awesome! Great lighting
@Heather-Boyd Thanks! Warm and cozy was definitely what I was goin' for.
@Braden-Hallett Love this. I really like how the rain on the window came out. Very smooth.
@theprairiefox Thanks! I like the way the window came out, too. I've got a bit more fiddling to make it really windowy, (water streak over the loggy bits 'n such) but it's definitely in ballpark.
@Braden-Hallett Hopefully have mine up later today or tomorrow. I am doing it as a woodcut (on the GlowForge) with watercolor added. We will see if I can pull it off.
Here is my full inks done and a picture of my plate. I don't have time to print tonight so I will have to do it tomorrow. Let me know what you think, I was trying to get the values well represented in B&W. I think they came out okay. There will be a few of the light values really differentiated through watercolor.
@theprairiefox Nice! I think that'll look neat in watercolours. I'm always jealous of print makers. I don't have the patience to do that kind of art
@theprairiefox I just reread the 'on the glowforge' bit. I gotta buy myself one of those
@Braden-Hallett yeah, the GlowForge is cool. I take and scan my inks in into Inkscape and then send it to the GlowForge to cut the plate. I am planning on printing that in black (or maybe a dark sepia). Then the ink that is printed repels the watercolor so they work well together.
I would love to get to the point that I can do stuff like Ashley Wolff... I am pretty sure she is using lino cuts and the color is done with watercolor. I am not that good, yet!
@theprairiefox Reminds me of good printing days -always loved carved lino plate even as I stabbed myself, lols. I like how you have progressed
@Heather-Boyd my carving set has band-aids in it for a reason! I have bled myself as well...
Tweaked some shadows. Added some more rain streaks. played with some adjustment layers. I think it's finished enough for finished
@Braden-Hallett This looks really great! I think you could push the rain streaks even further.
@Erin-Cortese Thanks! I'll definitely fiddle with the rain streaks
@Braden-Hallett It looks really cool, such great work in movement and light and shadow game...