February Love - Critiques please! Thank you!
This is so cute! I love the pig! To me, it looks like the shape and shadow of the ice cream cone are off a little. The bottom of the cone is looking a little flat and the shadow should be rounder and more down and to the left (to match the direction of the shadow on the pillow).
Oh my goodness, that's good.
There might be some melted ice cream left in the cone too, or on the rim where it dripped onto the floor.
@lisanganart looks nice, maybe you could change the colour of the ice cream as its the same as the pig. Just a thought
@lisanganart - OMG wow! I adore this piece.
As for feedback, I think the ice cream cone rim shadow (based on the shadows on the pig) may need to be a bit more horizontal and then also overlapping on the spilled cream a bit. I can't quite put my finger on it but the spilled ice cream shape looks a bit flat - perhaps you could add some glossiness or texture to convey more of the "wetness" of the cream?
@lisanganart adorable! I like the rendering—the light on the pillow looks really good.
@StudioLooong @KathrynAdebayo @Jason-Bowen @djly @yeungtina Thank you so much for stopping by with your comments and suggestions