Delicious Sketches (Feedback Welcome)
Just where I plan to post sketches of various sorts. I really need criticism on my work, I will try to upload more soon.
Good work, I really like your style. in order what I have seen so far, i cant really crit, your ability is competent. Maybe I need to see more of your work.
@Steve-Young Hey I appreciate it! I have some traditional sketches I will post in a bit.
These look sort of juvenile but I thought I would post them anyways.
Nice work, what I can see with your traditional sketches is the aren't as strong as you digital, did you do these quicker? I looks like your copying skills are not strong, maybe you want to get a piece done so you don't spend as much time on them, or maybe I am overthinking things. Cant wait to see more of your work.
Thanks for the feedback! The pencil sketches were done <1o mins each they are not as polished but one thing I have been trying to work on is copying more realistic objects/people. I feel like if I can draw realistically I can draw in any style.
@Jack-B You've got so much variety in your work. It's really neat to see. The one that looks like stickers is my favorite, so I'll focus my attention there. All super-subtle feedback, as, really, these are great (great style, concept, color, lighting, line quality, gestures/expressions). And I'm treating them as individuals, rather than a collection. (Otherwise, I would have suggestions about variety, etc.)
On the old man, I feel like you could push his gesture even further, so that he had more weight on his right foot and cane. Right now, it looks to me like he's holding his cane up to keep it from falling, rather than to support himself. I like the details-- definitely a stronger read for me than the version of him in the top row.
Oh, and the cat guy-- I find the hood over his eyes confusing in conjunction with the face on the hood. I can't decide if I love that, or if I think it would be better changed. Maybe if you exposed a bit of the dude's nose and made a stronger shadow under the hood...?
Similar comment on the guy behind him. With the way he's frowning and his arms are crossed, I'd really expect his feet to be planted, more like the guy with the mask and cape. Right now, it looks like his heel is coming up off the ground. If I'm reading it wrong, and he's supposed to look impatient rather than angry/stubborn, maybe you could change something about his upper body to suggest that more strongly.
Oddly enough, I think the heel-coming-up works great for the miner. I feel like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he's still trudging along, 'cause that's what he's got to do. I really like that one.
Thanks so much for the advice! So sorry it took me so long to reply, I have been super busy! I will be posting some more sketchbook works soon! -
Good stuff. The characters at the top are great. I love vector. Keep practicing the realistic stuff. Draw observationally as much as possible and always measure measure measure. Watch the SVS video of Dave Malan. He's a master and you can utilize his techniques in any observational drawing you do. In your sketchy drawings I would say pay attention to shapes and proportions. Get those down before you get into detail. On your marker drawings ( I think it's marker) I really like the giraffe. I would say use more contrast in the linework. Thick to thin. Use the thick to emphasize any area you want to draw attention to. look at your favorite comic book artists to see how they construct a line. It's a simple thing but it can add so much to your style and the quality of your work. Another good resource to see experts in line are the really good tattoo artists out there. Look up "amazing linework" on pinterest and you'll see some really well executed line.
Anyway, hope that helps a little.
You are the best, thank you! I will post some more sketches tonight and look up the great line work on pintrest!
great creations! I think your Ninja needs a little work on the legs, as in example the feet are ar bit turned to much from the body. maybe a push on the shadows. but as you've finished the design, try and use some colors, it will be fun!
Hope it helps a bit. good luck!
Great advice! Thank you!
Here is day one of Inktober!
I really like the drama between really thick and thin line you did. It's great!
Inktober Day 2!
The Story Continues...
looks great! I would watch out for your white line around the box on the first image, I think the line need to define the shape of the box a bit better, maybe another white line between the fold and the flap of the box. I see a word means Death lol, interesting! keep us posted
@Naroth-Kean said:
looks great! I would watch out for your white line around the box on the first image, I think the line need to define the shape of the box a bit better, maybe another white line between the fold and the flap of the box. I see a word means Death lol, interesting! keep us posted
Thanks for the comment! That is good advice too, I will see if I can go in and correct it. And yes, I am not fluent in Japanese but you are correct.