Flying Pigs WIP, Feedback appreciated!
Hi everyone. Thank you for the feedback! Here's my update.
I added text to the image. Did that fix the feeling that the top was too empty, or do you still think it needs more?
@Jiří-Kůs @Shannon-Perkins (and everyone, really), Thanks for pointing out the contrast/focal point issues with the girl. I worked on this a bunch, and I think it's a lot better in the new version. I did keep everything really saturated. Not sure if that's working or not.
@Fabienne Thanks for the paint over. That helped a lot. I like the space you created moving the foreground element down. (I also really liked the girl sitting on top of the house-- I didn't keep it, but I did add some more kids to the other windows. I think I might render them out a little more).
@Leontine-Gaasenbeek Thanks for the feedback. It's super helpful to hear that multiple people are having the same issues.
Looks great to me, Really fun.
@Lee-Holland Thanks
Well done, its so much fun to watch!
Superb! There is so much to explore!
Only one point: Which house is in the front? Shouldn't be the kids-house darker, because it's closer to the viewer? -
@Fabienne Yes, I see that now. The front one definitely needs to be darker. I'll go update it. Thank you!
Awesome work at creating action in this piece Maile! The incline of the houses really adds a great line of motion.
Great , I was immediately looking at the character
@Jiří-Kůs @Dan-Tavis Thanks so much!
I like the update, much easier to see the character, and the atmospheric perspective you used on the farthest house really adds a sense of depth. Also, having the text in there fills in that empty space I mentioned earlier. Picture books need that open space for text, earlier I was looking at it from a stand-alone piece. Good work!
This is really nice, I like it very much