I need feedback for this horror illustration please!
Hi All!
I am currently stuck with this illustration that represents what I feel when I have to go downstairs in the middle of the night at my place when it's dark. The journey back upstairs feels frightening and I wanted to illustrate it.
I finished it but feel unsure about it. I don't know what is missing or wrong but feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated!
@Richy-s-ayala It’s really creepy, and I like your style a lot. I guess I’m just having a little trouble identifying some of the spaces and objects (mostly what’s surrounding the mirror at the top of the stairs, or where the creepy face is coming from). Then again, maybe the mystery of it is the point.
Nice work.
@jvartandillustration This is great feedback, thank you for that! This is why I needed fresh eyes.
I love the loose painterly style and use of colors. And the face definitely creepy, I’m sorry I don’t have more to offer but I think it’s really well done!
Love the painterly style, and it is quite creepy, but for me the lighting is too bright. The ceiling and back wall upstairs have too much light. Other than the figures in the scene, the lighting doesn't make me not want to go upstairs. Maybe try to focus the lighting more so there is one obvious source and direction the light is coming from, so it subtly shapes the stairwell and landing. Your creature on the right could use a bit more rim lighting around its face and hand to help it stand out a little more.
While not the best example, the attached image might give you a better idea of what I mean.
@Asyas_illos I appreciate the comment regardless! Thank you so much
@tom-barrett This is all extremely helpful. Thank you!