Basic perspective-final assignment
Hey everyone! I wanted to share my final assignment for the basic perspective class. That one really stretched me in terms of thinking about how to represent 3d structures on a 2d piece of paper. I found the assignment challenging but gave it a go, i def was able to give things a more realstic view than before I did the class. I found myself constantly thinking about how the lines would match up as they go off into the horizon.
Anyways cheers and I'll be checking the forums to give ya'll some support too!
@srednaart that class is so helpful I've gone through it three times for good measure... Like, over time, not all at once . I can see myself reviewing it again sometime, cause perspective is not easy haha.
I am glad you also liked the class and made improvements on your art -
@MerryMary Oh yeah for sure! It's so much learning and I'm sure if we do a redraw months or even years from now, it'll look different everytime haha