Creative coach?
Hi there has anyone here worked with a coach? I'm looking for someone who knows the illustration business who might be able to help me make a plan for my freelance business. Thank you!
@Martha-Sue Are there coaches? I've heard of people getting agents for finding work. Or getting portfolio critiques from publishers or something like that.
I think you mean a mentor, in which case you just need to research and find someone who you’d like to work with, and create some sort of schedule. you should expect to compensate them for their time and knowledge.
@Martha-Sue I think Giuseppe Castellano is currently doing mentorships. You can check him out. one of our fellow rabbits @TessaW is currently doing a mentorship with him.
Like @Nyrryl-Cadiz said, I just started a mentorship with Giuseppe Castellano at the Illustration Department. He's helping me get my portfolio in shape and we will start doing more businessy things as we go along. I'm really liking him so far!
@TessaW Oh that sounds really interesting- thank you!