6 or 12 hour Comic Challenge-Anyone interested?
I have a long holiday ahead and was thinking what could I do artistically with my time apart from the obvious continuation of SVS courses.
So, I was thinking about a comic challenge, usually Scott Mc Clouds challenge is to create a 24 page comic in 24 hours. I have tried this twice, once on my own and once in a gallery.
I think this is too much as I want to put it out the idea so others can participate and of course would choose a weekend when others are free, there's also the issue of time zones. Let me know if you are interested.
Usually you have a prompt and you are allowed to prepare the pages before(just the panels-no drawing) but not meant to do anything else before hand.
@PenAndrew This is such a cool challenge! I love comics, but have never tried to honestly draw one before. So I don't have the confidence to join on this go, but would like to in the furture.
@Stephanie-H Ah, but you aren't supposed to be great. I have only done this challenge twice and the point of it is to learn something new, and generate ideas, something that could be worked up later. It has to be done spontaneously. I am doing this under the spirit of learning and pushing my understanding of my own ideas and trying to find something new. Each time for the 24 hour challenge I produced about 14 pages of just inked material. No tone, no colour and totally unfinished.
I am using Lynda Barry's Making Comics to help me get into things.
Here's one of the exercises 'Photo Booth'. -
@Stephanie-H Also a 6 or 12 hour challenge takes off the pressure as you can still sleep during your day! Also if you are interested but intimidated we could start with a 3 hour challenge.
@PenAndrew 3 hours sounds more appealing. But as previous poster said, I haven’t done any comic so I’m not confident too. It’s possible to do thumbnails instead? Or maybe one illustration in general that have a finish feel.
@Eliana-Bastidas Ha ha ha- I am not confident either. Eliana you are so talented.
You could do a 3 page challenge I guess. It really doesn't matter. What matters is just a challenge to create something within a limited time.
I might just do a comic with only talking heads. -
@PenAndrew sounds good! I’m in for the 3 hours.
I got an idea that i haven’t been able to do, maybe I will take this as an opportunity to do it, but it’s not exactly a comic. I want to draw a poster like image that tells a story like a comic, I don’t know if it makes sense haha. It’s possible to ask for help while we do the challenge?
@Eliana-Bastidas Well I will be doing the challenge at the same time, of course I will support if I can. Oh I think you mean is it a rule we should work alone? If that's what you mean, I don't think it matters.
I just want to push my ability with comics. So, I have been doing lots of exercises form Lynda Barry's Making Comics book. Which is much more practical than Scott McCloud's book of the same name.
By the way I think your idea is perfect. -
@Eliana-Bastidas Here's what I did today.
This was another exercise from Lynda Barry's book, drawn quickly, most of the time was colouring. The emphasis is on the process , not finished and perfect work.
Little bad wolf.
Introvert child.
Lord Orange.
Captain Colon. -
@PenAndrew These are so funny! You totally got me, I'm in! This will be really helpful to complete the idea I have been dragging on for months. Thank you
@Eliana-Bastidas I see you are in Duluth time frame. That's amazing as I know people from that area! Also a group of kids visited my high school in China from Duluth. I don't have a prompt yet for myself. But how about this Sunday? Now it is 8.45pm in China.
Thanks and I am glad you like them. The are just explorations, but it is good to get a positive response. Markers and pigma pens. -
@PenAndrew Yes, I am. So... our time difference is 12 hours?
I guess I can start drawing at 9am, but it may be difficult to you if you are also a morning person.
@Eliana-Bastidas Yes, my main issue this weekend is that our kitchen is being replaced! Maybe we can leave it for a few days or do it the following weekend. I can work from 9pm to 12 midnight, that's ok. That would also give me time to prepare the prompt for myself, and prepare a few blank pages and create panels.
@PenAndrew Good idea, I'm gonna try to work on it too, maybe some thumbnails and do the actual painting along with you.
@PenAndrew @Eliana-Bastidas I am a little late on this but all of this sounds great. I am happy to join you guys on Sunday night at 9pm. I'm in the same timezone as China. 3 hours is a lot less pressure. I will try and pick up Lynda Barry's book from the library today.
I have a few things to clarify.
-I need to have some prompts ready, correct?
-Should I prepare panels to work in?
-The length of the comic is depends on me, right?
-Does it matter how we are working? I will need to do traditional media. I am still so slow with anything digital.
-Is the goal to generate as much material in this three hour time frame with tha quality of images not being the most important thing? -
@Stephanie-H Hi Stephanie as my kitchen is being changed and Eliana was a different time zone I said maybe we need to leave it for a few days or the following Sunday or Saturday- 2nd/3rd June.
1.Yes we need a prompt you can use your own if you wish, usually it is the same prompt.
2.Panels can be prepared in terms of the spacing, though generally no drawing is.
3. If it is a three hour challenge then you should aim for 3 pages.
4. Traditional or digital doesn't matter. (I will do mine traditionally)
5. Your last question the main aim is to complete the amount of pages, usually over 24 hours the quality declines as participants get tired.
6. Here's the link if you want to read up on the idea.
http://scottmccloud.com/4-inventions/24hr/dare/index.html -
@PenAndrew Okay awesome, next weekend is okay. I can participate on July 2nd for sure if that becomes the offical day for it.
I got too exictied and misunderstood the dates.
I'm happy to do the same prompt with everyone and will read through the info on the webpage. -
@Stephanie-H Yes, I am sorry I was over enthusiastic and didn't know how much work was going on at my home, so I wasn't sure if I would be busy at 9pm putting things back into our kitchen! At least a week gives us all time to prepare some ideas, and if you can get that book that is so useful! I love it. I am really pleased that 3 of us will share a challenge.
@Stephanie-H yay! Another one joining! I’m not sure about finishing everything next week but I’m aiming to at least draw for those 3 hours
@Eliana-Bastidas Yes, three hours of work is ok for me as I have been doing longer hours these days, but the hardest part for me is sticking to creating a storyline on the spot! And hand written type takes so long! Here's some of my work today.