Riley and the Garage WIP
Up front, I am gunna say that this prompt is outside of my comfort zone, which is why I'm gunna do it anyways, because it's good to stretch the ol creativity muscles.
I started doing some brainstorming and thumbnailing, and really like the idea of making the illustration of Riley in a rocket bursting through the roof of the garage. So, I went down that path.These were my 3 favorite thumbs. I especially like 3.
However, I went to revisit the critique arena page, and saw this added detail to the prompt, "Spend time brainstorming some objects you can fill the garage with that will help tell us even more about Riley and what happened." I thought I was being clever with my perspective on the prompt statement, but I'd like to know if my idea is not within the prompt now, and that it must be a garage interior and about the garage clutter. Is it about communicating the main statement, "THE GARAGE WAS TRASHED, BUT RILEY MADE SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF." (Which, to me, is a funny sentence when it's attached to an illustration of a kid made rocket bursting through a garage roof, with said kid waving out the window.) Or focusing on the details of the brief, "Spend time brainstorming some objects you can fill the garage with that will help tell us even more about Riley and what happened." ???
Hi @elinore-eaton. I've come up with a similar idea in which Riley's flying out of the roof of the garage. I didn't realise there were further details to the brief.
Thanks for pointing them out! Hmmm, I guess it's back to the drawing board (although I might continue with my initial illustration first as I was having fun with it
@elinore-eaton could you show the items inside the garage if you removed the cars from 3? Perhaps have some spilling out onto the driveway from the force of the launch. I like the shape of the rocket in 2, reminds me of Aardman’s Wallace and Gromit.
@elinore-eaton Or maybe if you made the hole in the roof bigger in 2 you could show all the debris on the floor? I really like that angle
@ruth @lizardillo Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions! I think I'm going to end up going back to the drawing board on this one. I'm not super attached to this idea now that I've had some time to mull over it, so might as well.
I think it may be a good opportunity to finally do Will's Draw 50 Things class...
@elinore-eaton I really love your rocket idea! can't wait to see what else you come up with.