New illustration - Building a snowman!
A started a sketch yesterday and ended up painting it today! I will still work on it a little, but it pretty much done. Any comments/critique ?!
Love your style and your use of brush strokes. The only thing that gets me is the eyes of the boy in back, Not sure what it is, maybe to open or something or lack of expression. But the rest of it...nailed it.
@Chip-Valecek Thanks Chip! I'll rework that! I think they might be too white...
It is looking great here are just a few suggestions and a quick draw over. Hope it helps. I love snow scenes and this is really fun.

@Charlie-Eve-Ryan Two excellent points! Thanks! I changed but and it helps a lot, especially the boy's expression in the background.
@NoWayMe Great work! Super cute piece, love how you handled the paint strokes.
Great piece, very traditional, solid coloring and man I can feel the chill. I like that it evokes some reaction. Well done.
@johntatulliart Wow thanks!!