Time to Face the truth - Ink Fairy Contest Entry
@Molambo I went back to the reference image. I didnโt see it the first time I posted. I only looked at your image.
I see the foreshortening there in the photo, but its not reading that way in yours. If you put some negative space making the waist smaller it may help. Her shoulders are much wider than her waist because they are closer to the camera. That lean forward is tough to do.I think if you draw in some of the fabric folds especially on the waist it would show the pinching thatโs happening there which will help to lean her forward.
I hope these suggestions help.
it does. i try now to bring some more form into it with shading and see how that goes. in term of changing form via repaint, the only option i have right now is the left side with the hair where i can change the arm a bit and her mid/upper body part by enlargen the hair space or even add some infront of her and not just behind. depending on how that all goes i still consider a rework of her by drawing her again on a new paper but i first try to finish this piece.ps: wings are not done but i go the white gel pen way and paint some strains into it.
current state
@Molambo she definitely looks more forward now. I think the folds really help.
@Molambo I am loving your take on the prompt! It's very unique. Quite dark and menacing fairy design. Also, the expression on Ellie's face is perfect
It's coming together. Looking forward to seeing the wings fleshed out. I think they'll be a key feature in this image.
@Molambo looks like an interesting story!
@Blitz55 yeah, the will be the final, did i fuck it up or not part of the image.
tackling it right now but its still wip. going to darken the outlines down much more and adding more white "shine" to em.current wip version
i think i should be able to finish it till friday, i dont want to overwork the thin paper so i always let it rest to really dry up before i go and add washes
Final Version
Feel free to add suggestions/feedback in case i missed something or could enhance it in your eyes. -
@Molambo Oh that looks good! When the body in the background wsn't showing it bothered me having the fairy head right behind her head but now it all works and makes sense, her expression, etc. It looks really good!
the shading and final lineart for sure improved it compared to the first early glance but i guess that's always the case.posture of her is still something that bothers me and as i mentioned earlier in the thread i am redrawing her on a new sheet to see if i can improve her or not but thats something i take my time with regardless the deadline. still in scribble stage and her arms give me more struggle then i would have thought to make em look bend while keeping the overall silhouette.
@Molambo Looking at the resource you posted I can see a few things: Notice that her neck is much thinner tan what you drew, the shoulders are more square. and the line from her armpit outling her torso is at more of an angle. Look at the angles and lines in relation to other parts. I like to check the angles with my pencil and find a body part to use as a measuring tool-like the nose length. You have a good drawing there. I think a body is the hardest thing to draw...well, actually I am worse with perrspective but I still have a lot to learn about drawing the human body too. It's definitely looking good, to me
@MOO said in Time to Face the truth - Ink Fairy Contest Entry:
@Molambo Looking at the resource you posted I can see a few things: Notice that her neck is much thinner tan what you drew, the shoulders are more square. and the line from her armpit outling her torso is at more of an angle. Look at the angles and lines in relation to other parts. I like to check the angles with my pencil and find a body part to use as a measuring tool-like the nose length. You have a good drawing there. I think a body is the hardest thing to draw...well, actually I am worse with perrspective but I still have a lot to learn about drawing the human body too. It's definitely looking good, to me
yeah, the neck is way to big, i mean she could be a swimmer, bodybuilding kid but....eh. thx for the tips, trying to see if i can incoorporate that in how i tackle her.
overall i think it turned out okayish as a whole but anatomy, humans are for sure something i have to work on but that goes for a lot of things. building things up with forms no matter what is def something i have to go back to so that i can freely rotate things and add perspective to it but i know thats something i am lacking right now.
This is a unique take on the theme, and I love it!