Cardboard Spaceship - WIP
I'd like to update my portfolio a bit more and would also like to build up the cardboard adventure series I was doing in the past (plane, boat, train so far). My next idea is to do a spaceship one where the speed of the rocket is causing it to break apart a little and the other family members are collecting stars as they float around in alien/spacemen costumes. It's still a new concept so any ideas going forward would be helpful
i would play a bit more with your compositions. you seem to have your style and workflow figured out but from a conceptual point of view this is not much different to your two dragonfly pieces. -
I love doin' cardboard imagination images. They're so much fun.
I might try having the tape being the only tenuous thing holding the nose piece on instead of being in mid-break. More being blown back by the force instead of falling forward.
@Gary-Wilkinson beautiful! i know this will look good like the rest of your pieces.
I want to get around to doing this too. So I am stocked others think like me.
@Gary-Wilkinson This is great! Can't wait to see it finished as always.
I agree with @Braden-Hallett that the speed/force should affect the nose cone damage in a more realistic way (being blown back, etc.), but other than that, looks good!
I like your idea. In fact, I think it may be a good idea to organize your finish piece just like your full draft. So that it will look a lit bit like info graphics for children, which is needed quite often in educational markets.
@Braden-Hallett I love imagination/make-believe type scenes like cardboard contraptions can create as well. A nice break from being an adult Reminds me of the cardboard box story arcs from Calvin and Hobbes.
@Gary-Wilkinson Excellent perspective drawing!
The concept is so stinking cool!
@Molambo You're right. I think trying to mix it up more might be a good idea. I'd like it to be a portfolio piece, and I probably have too many flying kids
@Braden-Hallett No idea why I thought it should fall forward if the force is coming from the front..... Good catch!
As Molambo mentioned it might be good to diversify a bit more, so I did a lot of rough sketching and came up with a couple more concepts that could still use the cardboard theme.
A - Kid pretending to be flying in space with family holding the box and maybe a dog in an alien suit wondering whats going on.
B - Dog, toys, or little brother (?) in cardboard ship that has a bunch of fireworks taped to it. Main character looks on in anticipation as she waits for the fuse to set the fireworks off. The passengers looking not so happy about it.
@Gary-Wilkinson I'm not familiar with your other cardboard series but I'm intrigued by this idea and look forward to seeing where it goes from here!